Importance of Aphids
Aphids are also called as plant lice and considered as polyphagous feeders because they munch on several species of ornamental plants, field crops, vegetables, fruits, weeds, grasses, and greenhouse, polyhouse, indoor and nursery plants (Photo 1. Aphid Colony). There are over 4000 species of aphids have already been described from all over the world and responsible for causing a tremendous economic loss to agricultural and horticultural industries.
Watch following video about types of damages caused by aphids to crops.
Facts (show all)
- Taxonomy and list of the most economically devastating species of Aphids
- Identification of Aphids
- Biology of Aphids
- What type of damage is caused by aphids?
- Biological control of aphids
- Beneficial predatory insects that are effective against aphids
- Parasitic wasps that are effective against aphids
- Research Papers