Lesser peachtree borer
Damage caused by the Lesser peachtree borer
Only larval stages of lesser peachtree borer cause damage to older trees of peaches, cherries, plums, nectarines and apricots. These borers can attack trunks, branches and twigs of many fruit trees. Larvae of lesser peachtree borer feed under the bark. The main symptom of their infestation is oozing of gum mixed with reddish brown fras at the entry hole or the damaged area. Since larvae feed beneath the tree bark, bark is easily peeled off from the damaged areas. These exposed areas are prone to attack by secondary pests and disease causing pathogens. Also, severe feeding damage caused by larvae of lesser peachtree borer consists of girdling and killing of infested branches.
Facts (show all)
- Scientific name
- Synanthedon pictipes
- Identification
Adults: Moths of lesser peachtree borer look like wasps with slender body, dark blue and brown in color with yellow stripe across the abdomen and clear wings.
Eggs: Eggs of lesser peachtree borer are oval in shape and reddish brown in color.
Larvae: Mature larvae of lesser peachtree borer are creamy white in color with brownish head capsule and about 1 inch long.
Pupae: Pupae of lesser peachtree borer are dark brown in color.
- Biology
Lesser peachtree borers overwinter as larvae underneath the bark of trees. When temperature begins warming up in the spring, the overwintering larvae resume feeding on the tree tissues until they mature. Matured larvae then pupate underneath the bark. Then adult moths begin emerging from pupae within 20 days in early May through September. After mating, female moths lay eggs in the bark cracks. These eggs hatch within 8-10 days into small larvae that burrow under the bark through mechanical injuries caused by cultivators. Once under the bark, these larvae start feeding on the tree tissues and life cycle continues. Under favourable conditions, lesser peachtree borers can complete 2 generations in a year.
- Organic Control of the Lesser peachtree borer
- Following beneficial bugs are used for organic control of the Lesser peachtree borer.
- Beneficial Nematodes
- Steinernema carpocapsae