Pest Library
There are two groups of insects that exist in the nature. The group of insects that benefit us as pollinators, natural enemies of insect pests, producers of honey, lac and silk are considered as beneficial insects. Whereas the group of insects that are directly or indirectly responsible for the monetary losses (yield and quality) to many field crops, fruits, greenhouse crops, ornamental plants, stored grains, and permanent structures like houses (termites causing damages to homes and other buildings), and causing injuries and transmit diseases to animals and humans are considered as pests of plants and animals, respectively. Insect pests can cause damage to almost all plant parts including roots, stems, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Of the four developmental stages including eggs, larvae, pupae and adults, only adults and/or larvae are known to cause actual damage to plants.
The following is a list of insect pests which cause damage. Click the insect name to learn more about it and what natural predators are shown to be effective against them. Not all pests currently have information, but check back soon!
- Artichoke plume moth
- Banana moth
- Banana skipper
- Beet armyworm
- Cabbage looper
- Codling moth
- Corn earworm
- Cotton bollworm
- Cranberry girdler
- Cutworms- The black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon
- Diamondback moth
- Eggs of Insect pests
- Fall armyworm
- Fall webworm
- Filbertworm
- Grape berry moth
- Green fruitworm
- Gypsy moth
- Imported cabbage worms
- Indianmeal moth
- Irish borer
- Light brown apple moth
- Navel orangeworm
- Oriental fruit moth
- Pyramidal fruitworm
- Sod webworms
- Speckled green fruitworms
- Spruce budworm
- Tent caterpillars
- Tobacco hornworm
- Tomato hornworms
- Tomato pinworms
- Velvetbean caterpillar
- Artichoke plume moth
- Banana moth
- Banana skipper
- Beet armyworm
- Cabbage looper
- Codling moth
- Corn earworm
- Cotton bollworm
- Cranberry girdler
- Cutworms- The black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon
- Diamondback moth
- Eggs of Insect pests
- Fall armyworm
- Fall webworm
- Filbertworm
- Grape berry moth
- Green fruitworm
- Gypsy moth
- Imported cabbage worms
- Indianmeal moth
- Irish borer
- Light brown apple moth
- Navel orangeworm
- Oriental fruit moth
- Pyramidal fruitworm
- Sod webworms
- Speckled green fruitworms
- Spruce budworm
- Tent caterpillars
- Tobacco hornworm
- Tomato hornworms
- Tomato pinworms
- Velvetbean caterpillar