Imported cabbage worms
Damage caused by imported cabbage worms
Larvae of imported cabbageworm feed on the foliage as well as growing point of the host plants like cabbage and broccoli. Caterpillars indiscriminately chew large irregular holes on both young and mature leaves of different host plants. In case of severe infestation, caterpillars can skeletonize entire plant. This type of feeding can stop initiation formation of cabbage bulb.
Facts (show all)
- Scientific name
- Identification
- Biology
- Organic Control of imported cabbage worms
- Egg parasitic wasps
- Beneficial entomopathogenic nematodes
- Predatory praying mantis
- Plant Product
Click each of the following beneficial bugs or plant product for more information on their rates and methods of applications for the effective control of the imported cabbage worms
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