Tomato pinworms
Damage caused by the Tomato pinworms
All the larval stages of tomato pinworm cause feeding damage to buds, flowers, leaves and tomato fruits. Young larvae generally feed on leaves giving them mining appearance. The older larvae directly bore into tomato fruits and leave behind pin size hole on the surface of tomato fruits giving them name as pinworms. In addition to direct feeding damage, injuries caused by pinworms serves entry points for other disease causing pathogens that can cause rotting of fruits. In case of severe infestation, pinworms can kill tomato plants as well as reduce the quality and yield of tomatoes.
Facts (show all)
- Scientific name
- Identification
- Biology
- Organic Control of the Tomato pinworms
- Egg parasitic wasps
- Predatory praying mantis
- Plant Product
Click each of the following beneficial bugs or plant product for more information on their rates and methods of applications for the effective control of the Tomato pinworms.
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