Giant Mealworms are scientifically called as Tenebrio molitor that serve as fresh, high protein and calcium containing food for birds, chickens, fish, Geckos, lizards and small mammals.
During extreme cold winters and hot summers, overnight shipping is required for guarantee.
Important Facts about Giant Mealworms
- Giant mealworms are considered as excellent food for birds, fish, lizards and small mammals as they are good source of protein.
- Giant mealworms are easy to maintain and they have excellent selflife.
- Giant mealworms are used as best baits for fishing as they are easy to put on hooks.
- Giant mealworms are easy to keep fresh and alive for many weeks if they are handled carefully and stored in a refrigerator.
- Giant mealworms can be best maintained for several weeks at 45°F (12-18°C) temperature.
+ How giant mealworms are shipped?
- As giant mealworms cannot tolerate temperatures above 80°F (27°C), they need to be shipped as overnight delivery.
+ How long giant mealworms can be kept alive?
- Giant mealworms can be best maintained for several weeks at 45°F (12-18°C) temperature.
+ How to care giant mealworms?
- Upon arrival, store giant mealworms in a bedding like our Worm Chow. Change bedding when it becomes dusty.
- Feed giant mealworms with small portion of vegetble matter.
- Store mealworms at 45°F (12-18°C) temperature for their longer survival